Saturday, 4 August 2012

once upon a time...

Well, I have resisted blogging for some time, despite being a woman of many, many words.  However, having recently begun a journey of deliberate change, and having sworn off Facebook (both long stories for another time), I decided that a blog would be a good outlet for my diarising and my word overload.
I plan to discuss my random tangential musings, and chronicle my journey towards 40, including my efforts to lose 10kg and discover a new self in the complex world of wife, mother, sister, nurse and friend.  I will also prattle on about my second City2Sea run, and my fundraising for the McGrath Foundation as I do it.


  1. Yaaay! You're here I'm here, we're all here for beccy b's fabulous journey, yaaaayyy! (Imagine Kermie throwing his scrawny green arms around)


  2. all arms welcome. thanks for coming.
