77Noni, a very successful participant in previous rounds of the 12wbt, and blogger has started a linky thingy. I don't know about linky things but I liked her idea about blogging about a specific topic and revealing a little more about yourself, in this instance a little more about yourself as it pertains to the 12WBT. And so I have followed her instructions to link in, and will answer her questions... there will be another post about me, the non-12wbt beccyb, but for now, here goes with the linky questions.
1. Describe yourself in less than fifty words. What is it you want us to know about you?
I live a life of peaks and troughs. I have experienced extreme highs and profound lows and I believe that is the signature of who I am. I am an open book. I am a loyal person, I love my people and I am optimistic. I like to laugh and have fun. I am determined.
2. This program is called a transformation. When you signed up for this round (whether is your ninth round, first round or somewhere in between) what was it about yourself you wanted to transform?
My lifelong attitude to health, exercise and food. It is time to take responsibility for myself, my weight and my portion control disorder and be a grown up
3. One of the phrases Michelle Bridges says that has struck a chord with me is that we should be striving to be the best version of ourselves. To me that means we don’t have to change ourselves completely in order to have a successful transformation. What is it about yourself you are happy with right now?
I believe I have a level of self-assuredness that has come with age, and challenging times. I know who I am as a person. Now it's time to make the external match up with the internal and get my shit together.
4. What aspect of this program do you think will present you with the toughest challenge. What are you going to focus on to ensure you feel successful at the end of the twelve weeks? How is your answer to number 3 going to help you overcome this challenge?
None of it should be tough, it's not rocket science. Count and control your cals, exercise more and tada...but my excuses previously are around being busy, nightshift working, and deserving a rest.
Being true to myself is going to keep me on track. If I am going to have my outside/ inside matchy up situation, then JFDI
5. What is it you look forward to the most in the next twelve weeks?
Feeling and looking stronger. I love the strong body, strong mind kinda vibe. Grrrr
6. You’ve now completed at least three days of the program. What has surprised you the most about how you’ve coped with these first days in the twelve weeks?
Surprised at how I have managed to reduce my caffeine dependence. I had restricted my tea intake to 5 cups a day, and now sometimes, I only have 3. It's a bit of a surprise that I have coped with that.
And the calorie restriction is really not that bad.
AND, I like kangaroo sausages!!!
And I still don't like fish
7. Can you describe what you want to see, think and feel when you look in the mirror on Sunday 18th November 2012.
I will feel proud of where I have been for the preceding 39 years, and I will feel that my body reflects my journey. I will have proven to myself that in 12 weeks, I'll have achieved a healthy weight and a degree of fitness that I am proud of. I will smile, knowing that I look great, and I'll be more comfortable in my own skin than ever before.
Woo hoo, can't wait.
Thanks, 77Noni, for the guidance.
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