Tuesday, 7 August 2012

12wbt Warm Up Challenge #1 - Make one small change

I can see what Michelle is doing here - commit to one thing and start the journey towards sustaining the changes, rather than changing a whole stack of things that you can't stick to.

And I get it, but I am a restless soul.  I love to move the furniture and pretend I've moved house, I love to go for a drive to feel like I've had a holiday.  I love a bit of change.  But ok, ok, Michelle. Let's just do it.

My one small change is - no more than 5 cups of tea a day.

Is that virtuous enough?  I see lots of 12wbt's who are doing great things that will make a big difference - less chocolate, less soft drink, eating breakfast, more exercise.  Great things. 

For me, A skim milk tea with one flat teaspoon of sugar, is close to nirvana.  Not grungey, self harming, drug abusing Nirvana.  Heaven-y nirvana.  I love it's warm nurturing fabulousness.  I could drink it as my entire liquid intake for the day. 

And I will not stop.  And I will not have gross fake sugar.  The thought of artificial sweetener and all its chemical ickiness ruins the time that me and my tea have together.  And I will not go sugar free.  No I won't.

So I need to accept that my relationship with tea has the potential to ruin my relationship with my goals (more about them later).  A total of about a cup of skim milk and 5 super flat teaspoons of sugar must be counted in my calorie count for the day.  I can have them, but I must pay somehow.  And so they must be counted.  I have calculated that is about 160 cal.  So that is a snack's worth of calories.

Therefore, it must be linked with the parallel change of sucking it up - you want to get healthy and look more fabulous, beccyb?  You will be required to suck some stuff up. Just like a grown up.  And if you don't like it, then get used to avoiding mirrors and liking yourself less.  And plan for a whole stack more difficult sucking up in the future if you don't do it now.

Now is the time.  I don't look morbidly obese.  The change I want is achievable.  I can do it.  And my new best friend Michelle, and all our shared friends will help.


  1. 5 cups of tea - seriously, how many does that eman you are cutting out?! I want to know just how much of a 'small change' this is! But if you space them and plan them, you'll look forward to them and might even find at the end of the day you've come out ahead and only had 4... But yes, count them you must.

    1. i am cutting out, ahem, several (ok perhaps another 5). I do so love tea.
